Are Automated Processes and Personalisation the Future of Efficient Business Operations?
Mokshita P.
10x Industry

Are Automated Processes and Personalisation the Future of Efficient Business Operations?

Personalisation boosts revenue by 10-15 percent, retaining customers and enhancing engagement. Top strategies include refining sales approaches, automating processes, and optimising marketing channels, as seen with Amazon UAE and Flowwow.

Hey there! So, in today's market, personalisation isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a game-changer. Research shows that personalisation can boost revenue by 10-15 percent, and some businesses even see higher returns. For companies that operate online, personalisation is crucial because customers expect it. If you don’t deliver a tailored experience, you risk frustrating potential buyers and losing them altogether.

But it’s not just about attracting customers; it’s also about keeping them. Nearly 75 percent of consumers won’t stick around if a company doesn’t offer personalised experiences. So, how can you harness data-driven personalisation to really push your business forward? Here are three key strategies:

1. Improve Sales Strategies

Consumers today want experiences tailored just for them. In fact, 98 percent of e-commerce businesses are recognising this and using customer data to refine their sales strategies. By looking at things like purchasing patterns, customer profiles, and browsing history, you can craft personalised sales pitches, recommend products, and create marketing campaigns that truly resonate.

Take Amazon UAE, for example. They’ve nailed data-driven personalisation by analysing customer data such as browsing and purchase history to deliver highly targeted product recommendations. They also use this data to send personalised emails and notifications about relevant products and offers. This approach not only engages customers but also builds their loyalty.

Emerging players like Flowwow are also getting in on the action. They use data to curate personalised gift collections, which boosts their sales and enhances the customer experience.

2. Automate Your Digital Processes

Personalisation isn’t just for sales and marketing—it can also streamline your operations. By automating routine tasks with chatbots and predictive analytics, you can make your processes more efficient and reduce costs. But don’t forget, a balance between AI and human interaction is essential for maintaining strong customer relationships.

Consider Careem, for instance. They use customer data to personalise service interactions and automate processes, which is especially helpful during busy periods. By analysing user behaviour and preferences, Careem offers tailored solutions like real-time traffic updates and alternative route suggestions. This not only improves customer satisfaction but also speeds up processes like refunds and dispute resolutions.

Flowwow is another great example. They use analytics to prepare for peak seasons, ensuring smooth operations and high-quality service. Despite their impressive performance—processing three million orders with a 97 percent satisfaction score—they invest in compassionate customer support to handle any unexpected issues.

3. Optimise Marketing Channels

Data-driven personalisation can significantly enhance your marketing efforts. By analysing performance metrics, you can determine which channels and ad types are most effective, refine your messaging, and allocate resources more efficiently.

Flowwow leverages data to fine-tune their marketing channels, including social media and influencer marketing. By choosing influencers who match their target audience and running targeted campaigns, they’ve achieved remarkable results—generating US$2.7 million from influencer collaborations in just one year.

Noon East, another UAE-based company, uses data to optimise their marketing strategies, especially during major events like ‘Yellow Friday.’ By understanding customer demand and tailoring promotions accordingly, they’ve successfully boosted engagement and sales.

So, in today’s competitive landscape, using data for personalisation is essential for enhancing customer experiences, driving sales, and building long-term loyalty. If you’re not leveraging these strategies, you might be missing out on a significant growth opportunity.