Edelman Trust Barometer highlights key shifts in trust of corporations
Priya Wadhwa

Edelman Trust Barometer highlights key shifts in trust of corporations

From social platforms to employers

Trust is a very important factor in today’s world – from trust in a person and corporation to trust in the market, the term is used everywhere. Undoubtedly, it is very important to be, or at least be perceived as, a trustful person and corporation. Edelman, the public relations advisory agency, releases its Trust Barometer on a yearly basis, in which it polls the trust of consumers in global corporations.

In the recent report, the company’s CEO, Richard Edelman, says peoples’ trust has shifted to “relationships within their control, most notably their employers.”

However, 2018 has also seen large international scandals that made consumers lose trust in large corporations – Facebook being among the most recognisable and largest brands that faced a tough year.

...people have lost confidence in the social platforms that fostered peer-to-peer trust.
Richard Edelman

With the increased relevance and importance of privacy in the modern era, the breach of data confidentiality that became public with the scandal surrounding Cambridge Analytica created a public outcry that severely damaged the company’s reputation and people’s trust in the brand.

Regarding Facebook and other social channels, Richard Edelman adds, "…people have lost confidence in the social platforms that fostered peer-to-peer trust.” Learn more about the Edelman Trust Barometer here.