HIGH FIVE to Employee Engagement: A Conversation with Jatin Sahni on His New Book
Merlin Chacko
10X People

HIGH FIVE to Employee Engagement: A Conversation with Jatin Sahni on His New Book

Discover how the author's 28-year journey in corporate leadership inspired his powerful new 'cookbook' on employee engagement,

Employee engagement is one of those buzzwords found all over social media and the corporate world these days—and for good reason. It’s all about how connected and committed employees feel to their work and their company. When people are engaged, they’re more productive, stick around longer, and they just make the workplace a better place to be. But how do you actually make that happen? 

A large part of this responsibility is shouldered by leaders. What kind of environment are they creating? How are they making employees feel engaged, valued, and connected? It’s a skill that comes with experience and a lot of trial & error, but also by learning from others who’ve been in your shoes and have valuable insights to share.

With 28 years of experience leading multicultural teams in sales, marketing, technology, and customer management across Europe and Asia, particularly the Middle East, Jatin has seen it all. His recently launched book, HIGH FIVE, is packed with tips on enhancing employee engagement - tips that organizations can integrate into their strategies and that leaders can put into practice.

We had the chance to chat with Jatin about his book, his corporate journey and his thoughts on what really drives employee engagement. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Can you share the pivotal moments in your 28-year corporate journey that inspired you to write HIGH FIVE?

One of the most pivotal moments in my career was meeting Sir Richard Branson, who I believe is the epitome of employee engagement. His simple yet powerful quote, 'Take care of your employees and employees will take care of your business,' deeply resonated with me and inspired me to write HIGH FIVE. The concept of HIGH FIVE is not a coincidence but a reflection of my long-standing experience. For many years, I have used this gesture as a central theme in leading a successful B2B sales program. The HIGH FIVE program has been instrumental in uniting people with a shared goal, fostering deep engagement, and achieving outstanding results. Through this book, I aim to encapsulate the valuable lessons and insights I've gathered over the years—both consciously and unconsciously. HIGH FIVE is essentially a 'cookbook' of these experiences, offering readers practical strategies and inspiration for building a cohesive and motivated team.

2. Who were the mentors and colleagues that significantly shaped your understanding of employee engagement, and how did they influence the principles in your book?

The principles in HIGH FIVE are deeply influenced by the diverse range of mentors and colleagues I have encountered throughout my 28-year career in the corporate world. This book is a tribute to the many individuals—managers, colleagues, customers, and especially my team—who have profoundly impacted my understanding of employee engagement. It would be impractical to name every individual who has contributed to my growth, as I have had the privilege of working with many exceptional people across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Each of these experiences has shaped my approach to people management and engagement. I have been fortunate to work alongside remarkable leaders and peers from whom I have continually learned and evolved. Their insights and examples have significantly influenced the principles outlined in HIGH FIVE, guiding my approach to fostering effective team dynamics and engagement.

3. Having led teams across different cultures, what unique challenges and insights did you gather about employee engagement in various regions, especially the UAE?

Globally, employee engagement statistics are concerning, with a staggering 85% of employees reported as either disengaged or actively disengaged in their roles. My experience underscores that one of the critical challenges faced across various cultures and organizations, including in the UAE, is the approach to setting corporate KPIs. While employee engagement is increasingly being recognized as a KPI in many companies, it often remains a minor and passive component of broader organizational objectives and performance metrics. This lack of prominence can undermine its impact on overall managerial performance. Moreover, many managers do not receive adequate training in employee engagement. When individuals are assigned leadership or management roles, they frequently lack structured guidelines and tools to effectively engage their teams. This gap not only complicates the management process but also poses significant risks to organizational performance and success.

4. Among the eight guiding principles in your book, which one do you believe is the most crucial for a line manager to focus on and why?

HIGH FIVE functions as a corporate 'cookbook,' providing a comprehensive array of strategies for organizations and managers to effectively navigate the complex and dynamic landscape of employee engagement. Just as a chef meticulously selects and combines ingredients to create a dish with optimal taste and flavor, employee engagement requires a thoughtful blend of guiding principles. It’s not sufficient to rely on a single principle; each one serves as a crucial ingredient in fostering a thriving workplace. By integrating principles ranging from handshaking to empathy, organizations can cultivate an environment where employees are motivated, innovative, and deeply connected. Ultimately, the goal is to transform the workplace into an engaging, stimulating, and enjoyable space for everyone involved.

5. What are some of the golden nuggets from your book that you think will resonate most with budding leaders and why?

HIGH FIVE offers a recipe for line managers to tackle the very complex and dynamic aspect of employee engagement and present it in a structured manner with a blend of golden nuggets that are easily understood and, if followed diligently, will ensure a 100% engaged and successful team. The book is written in a very simple format, with each chapter representing a guiding principle offering golden nuggets to budding individuals who want to run a team in the most engaged and successful manner. For example:

  • Ingredient 1 – Handshaking captures 5 golden nuggets that will help a manager truly connect and sync with their teams.

  • Ingredient 2 – Integration offers 5 golden nuggets for line managers to drive successful team integration.

6. How do you see the role of technology evolving in enhancing employee engagement, especially in a post-pandemic world?

Technology plays a vital role in enhancing employee engagement and bringing teams together. The post-pandemic world has accelerated the use of technology in business operations, making collaboration easier and ensuring access to necessary information and tools, even when remote. However, over-reliance on technology can create barriers and disrupt work-life balance. Striking the right balance between technology and physical engagement is crucial for achieving successful results.

7. How has your journey in writing this book and reflecting on your experiences impacted your personal growth and leadership style?

The HIGH FIVE journey has been an incredible experience that is challenging to put into words. It has provided me with a platform to express myself, learn, and grow both personally and professionally. I have cherished every moment of this journey and continue to leverage this experience to improve myself and support the young managers on my team. I have always recognized the importance of this critical domain for any organization, but after HIGH FIVE, I am more expressive and proactive about its significance. I am taking firm steps to ensure I contribute significantly within my domain and influence as many people as possible.