Are Renewable Energy Investments Set to Double by 2030?
Mokshita P.
10x Industry

Are Renewable Energy Investments Set to Double by 2030?

Interest rate hikes and cost pressures impact investments; however, IEA forecasts US$2 trillion global investment in 2024, with potential for a rebound as conditions improve.

You know, the past few years have been pretty tough for renewable energy investors. For instance, the iShares Global Clean Energy ETF, which holds about 100 renewable energy stocks, has dropped around 35 percent since early 2023. This downturn is partly because of some big interest rate hikes by central banks. These higher rates have made green projects seem less appealing compared to bonds that now offer better returns. Plus, there's been a surge in production costs and material inflation, which has squeezed the profitability of renewable projects.

Unlike other industries where companies can pass on rising costs to consumers, the renewable energy sector often has fixed electricity prices set years in advance. This makes it harder for them to adapt to increased costs.

But it's not all doom and gloom. There are positive signs for the sector. For one, as interest rates come down and structural demand for renewable energy remains strong, profitability is expected to improve. The International Energy Agency (IEA) is predicting that global investment in renewable energy will hit US$2 trillion this year, which is a huge increase from 2020 and almost double the investment in fossil fuels.

Looking ahead, to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, we'll need to see renewable energy investments more than double to US$4.3 trillion annually by 2030. Even though the sector is facing some short-term challenges, with government support and fading inflation pressures, there's potential for renewable energy stocks to bounce back and perform better in 2024 and beyond. It's important to be patient and diversify investments across different companies and types of renewable energy solutions to navigate this evolving field effectively.