Is Paris 2024 Ready for a Surge in Cyberattacks?
Mokshita P.
10x Industry

Is Paris 2024 Ready for a Surge in Cyberattacks?

Palo Alto Networks predicts cyberattacks on suppliers and infrastructure during the Games, highlighting risks like ransomware and financial fraud impacting transportation, hospitality, and more.

So, there’s a lot of concern from cybersecurity experts about the ongoing Paris 2024 Olympic Games. According to Palo Alto Networks, which is a major player in cybersecurity, and their threat intelligence team, Unit 42, we should brace ourselves for a potential surge in cyberattacks targeting critical services connected to the Games.

They’ve conducted simulations and found that while the Olympics themselves are a major target, hackers are more likely to disrupt the event indirectly. Instead of attacking the Olympics directly, they might go after suppliers and supporting infrastructure. This could mean trouble for services like transportation, hospitality, event management, telecommunications, media, payment processing, utilities, and even safety and security.

One specific threat they’re worried about is ransomware. The idea is that attackers might target these critical service areas, like hotels or transport services, to disrupt their operations. This could lead to compromised guest information, messed-up reservations, and general chaos. For instance, a cyberattack on hotels could ruin bookings and services, making guests unhappy and damaging the event's reputation.

Haider Pasha from Palo Alto Networks pointed out that financial crimes are expected to be a major threat. Business Email Compromise and financial fraud are likely to be prevalent, with attackers potentially making over US$500,000 per successful scam.

They’ve seen similar issues at past large events, like the 2022 FIFA World Cup, and they're using their experience to set up a cyber vigilance program to help protect the critical enterprises involved in the Olympics. They’ve noticed a rise in politically motivated sabotage and ransomware attacks over the past couple of years, so they’re taking these threats very seriously.

In short, while the Olympics will be a fantastic event, there’s a significant focus on preparing for potential cyber threats to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely.