Will Middle Eastern Workforce Ambitions Drive Economic Growth?
Mokshita P.
10x Industry

Will Middle Eastern Workforce Ambitions Drive Economic Growth?

PwC Survey reveals 85 percent clarity in organisational goals, high trust in leadership, and strong desire for skill development and career growth among Middle Eastern employees, outpacing global averages.

In the Middle East, employees are really embracing change and aligning closely with their organisations' long-term goals. A recent PwC Middle East Workforce Hopes & Fears Survey for 2024 shows that 85 percent of over 1,500 regional employees understand their organisations' goals clearly. This is significantly higher than the global average of 77 percent. Additionally, 80 percent of Middle Eastern employees have trust in their leadership to fulfil commitments, compared to 68 percent globally.

The survey also highlights a strong desire among regional employees for financial improvement and career advancement. For instance, 44 percent are considering changing employers within the next year, compared to 28 percent globally. Moreover, 71 percent of regional employees plan to ask for a pay raise, which is a big jump from the global figure of 43 percent, and 67 percent are seeking promotions, compared to nearly a third globally. Learning new skills is a key reason for employees to stay with their employers, with 67 percent of Middle Eastern respondents emphasising this, versus 47 percent globally.

This desire for new skills is driven by rapid technological changes and the need to address the climate crisis. About 63 percent of Middle Eastern respondents believe that tech advancements like AI, GenAI, and robotics will impact their jobs in the next three years, compared to 46 percent globally. More than half think climate change will affect their jobs, higher than the global 37 percent. Furthermore, 53 percent anticipate that climate change will introduce health and safety risks at work, while 37 percent fear job loss due to climate impacts.

Collaboration and flexibility are also highly valued, with 87 percent and 81 percent of employees prioritising these aspects, compared to 63 percent and 65 percent globally. This reflects a regional work culture that emphasises teamwork and agile work arrangements.

Randa Bahsoun from PwC Middle East mentioned that Middle Eastern employees place a high value on organisations that invest in their skills growth. There’s a strong desire to stay relevant and thrive in a fast-evolving business environment driven by technology and climate change. Employers in the region need to offer upskilling programs that transform employees into key drivers of business success.

The uptake of emerging technologies like AI and machine learning is significant, with 81 percent of Middle Eastern employees using GenAI at work in the past year, compared to 61 percent globally. While 25 percent regularly use GenAI, nearly half recognise the associated risks, such as bias and misleading information. This high digital literacy drives a strong demand for skills development programs, with 67 percent citing these as crucial for staying with their employers.

Specialised skills are becoming increasingly important, with 80 percent of employees with such training finding their jobs fulfilling, compared to only 43 percent without. This trend highlights the importance of continuous learning and specialised skill development for job satisfaction and retention.

Remote work is also on the rise, with 60 percent of all respondents believing their jobs can be done remotely, and 86 percent having worked remotely from another country in the past year. This shift towards remote work fosters transparency, with 81 percent working remotely from different countries with employer approval, compared to 51 percent globally. Organisations in the region recognise the benefits of non-traditional work arrangements, which offer cost efficiency, convenience, and improved work-life balance.